Thursday, 8 December 2011

Weave In Hair Extensions Review.

Ok so this is going to be a difficult review for me to write because I have a love hate relationship with weave in extensions.

I wanted to write this so people who are considering getting weave extensions can get a full overview on the process, maintenance and before and after of extensions ETC. as I would have appreciated it before I got mine.

I first got weave extensions after the hairdresser cut my very fine hair too short when I was about 15. Before that I naturally had very long nice hair - I would say my only problem with my hair was how fine (thin) it was.

Weave in extensions begin by the hairdresser clipping up half your hair and creating a directly straight part almost from one ear to the other (or were ever they decided to place the row of extensions on your head)
They then grab a small section of hair along the part and begin to braid/plat across ways creating a track like line - As seen below.

Once the track/braid is complete they then grab the row of hair they will be sewing onto the braid which will look like the picture to the left(pls note the hair is tied up in the picture but usually the row is measured to be as long as the track):

They then begin to sew the piece of hair onto the braid/track with a cotton like thread and curved needle (no it’s not an actual needle you will not get poked/hurt it a special utensil created for this!)

This is what the end result will look like,
as you can see the row of hair is neatly sewn onto the track!.

Depending on the thickness or thiness of your hair YOU have the choice of how many rows you get sewn onto the braid.
In my case i always got 1 triple row (ie. I only had 1 track but 3 rows sewn onto that track)Others choose to get multiple tracks so the end result can be thicker and fuller.

*Ok so firstly for people with fine hair the braid itself can be quite painfull. This is because they usually braid the track VERY tight leaving your head hurting for the rest of the day as your scalp isnt using the tugging and pulling of the braid. My advice would be just let the hairdresser know if you have a sensitive head and advise them to be gentle with the braid.

*Other complaints are that the hair "feels heavy on their head" this is also be abit painfull as it feel as though someone is constantly pulling your hair - but dont worry as after a couple of days you will get used the extra weight and adjust.

* SWIMMING: when you have weave extensions the quality of the hair is not exactly A-Grade so swimming in saltwater is pretty much a no no. although it is of course managable and possible swimming will only ruin the hair and leave it knotted and dry. i also found that after swimming in a wave filled ocean ( as i always kept my extensions in during summer) the hair was almost like a dreadlock and was VERY stressfull to untangle in the shower and almost painfull from all the tugging and pulling.

*WASHING YOUR HAIR: This can also get very annoying as you cannot shampoo your hair as you regualry would. you have to be very gentle and shampoo around and above the track instead of your normal back and forth motion on your bare scalp.

*Before your sleep you should ALWAYS brush the extensions out and then tie your hair into a side ponytail (or whatever is most comfortable for you)

*Blowdrying and straigtning also take ALOT longer (alot of people will not mind this)

*Some people feel as though when they sleep they can feel a row along their head!

*You use a hell of alot more conditioner.

*As the get loose and start to move down the more damaging the are as the more straign they put on your natural hair.

*And probably the last yet MOST IMPORTANT CON of getting weave in extensions is simple:If you have thin hair YOU WILL LOSE ALOT OF HAIR.Think about it, you have a resonably heavy row of hair sewn onto your head for weeks at a time;
Brushing this hair only pulls down on your natural hair which is holding it to you scalp THEREFORE snapping your hair.
The absolute worst part of having extensions is cutting them out/undoing the braid and then seeing the amount of hair that you will loose due to it being so tightly braided.

I cannot speak for everyone so maybe if you have thick hair this will not happen to you. But if your hair is fine/thin im pretty sure you will experience this!

*Well to begin they are a hell of alot cheaper than any other type of extensions. In Sydney they start at $90 per tripple row which in my opinion is a bargain compared to the thousands of dollers others pay for micro bead extensions ETC.

*You only have to get them tightend about once a month. You will know when you need them tightened when you feel them getting loose and almost hanging down the hair. Personally i think its up to the indivual when they want them tigtend. I PERSONALLY LOVED when they got loose as i found them more comfortable.

*A quick easy fix to short hair. Does not take long to do and your left with long thick hair!.

*Hair curls and straigtens very well.

*Lets be honest who doesnt want long thick hair for a good price!

Banxtown offers two well know places:Glamour sister and Kates Hair.

Brighten also has a well know salon called:Sydney hair extensions.

.A FEW MORE PICTURES!. (Click To Enlarge)
The track and row of hair sewn on!

Before and After
Kourtney Kardashian before and after
as you can see she is getting multiple rows.

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